A user-friendly dashboard with big data integration

How our data integration solution drives operational excellence for Renault Group
We implemented an IT project focused on data processing for Renault Group. We needed to solve the problem of integrating data from multiple sources and in different formats. Our solutions included automated ETL processes, data management practices, regular performance monitoring and deploying scalable architecture. We also designed a dashboard that included real-time insights with predictive analysis and integration with a wide range of data sources.
Data Services
ETL, data integration, user-friendly dashboard


The challenge

We faced several challenges during this collaboration with Renault Group. One of them was integrating data from multiple sources. In multistakeholder processes, the data coming in from various points were heterogeneous in terms of format and quality, which led to incomplete analyses. 

Another aspect was designing and building a high performance dashboard with the capability of handling large data sets and scaling as the volume of data increases, ensuring that we avoided overloading the system. 

The greatest challenge was creating a user interface (UI) that would be intuitive, visually appealing and meet the needs of a range of users. Our plan was for a dashboard that would enhance the users’ experience (UX) and elevate their satisfaction while they are working on data.

The solution

We developed and deployed the following solutions: 

  • automated pipelines that utilised raw data;
  • optimising the system for storing processed data and ensured its scalable;
  • an automated process using EFL for cleaning and transforming data;
  • a set of robust management practices designed to maintain high data quality;
  • a navigable pulpit with scalable infrastructure. We regularly monitored and tested the pulpit’s performance;
  • our optimisation of data queries and pipelines on an ongoing basis and our implementation of effective data storage solutions;
  • for the UI/UX, we followed the three fundamental principles of simplicity, cohesiveness and accessibility. To fully understand the users’ needs, we conducted research into their experience and we repeated that research as required during the project.
Key results
  • We created an interactive dashboard that holds unified sales data and information on Renault dealers’ goals
  • Using ETL solutions, we developed data models and rules for transformation and source connection
  • The constant improvement of data queries and pipelines
  • Effective data storage solutions were implemented