
Business built on relationships

He has been with MakoLab for eighteen months as one of the driving forces that make up our Business Development Team. One thing that’s unthinkable in his book is life and work minus contact with people. His free time is filled with family, music and astrophysics. Meet Lukasz Puzder, MakoLab Business Developer.

When did you join MakoLab?

I joined the team in mid August 2020. That was practically in the middle of the pandemic and the offices were deserted. During the first few months, while I was finding out about the company and getting to know people, I was doing it all remotely… apart from the marketing team, of course. I did have the pleasure of meeting them in the real world!

What had you been doing before that?

There was a host of places and positions but, in general, the journey took me towards project management, relationships with people and business development. A role as a liaison between company and client. It was nearly always connected with project management, sales or marketing.

What do you like most about the IT sector?

There are two features I’d mention. The universality and the pace of development. The sector’s really universal and no matter who you talk to, from anywhere on Earth, you’ll be talking about the same thing in the same way. That means you can offer the same product, regardless of the range you’re covering geographically, culturally and in terms of customs and traditions. As for the pace of development, it’s one of the fastest there is… and I like seeing real changes and progress. I’m following the topic of artificial intelligence keenly. It’ll certainly replace us in some jobs and that’ll even include some programmers. But it’ll allow us to concentrate on solving truly important matters.

What do you most enjoy doing in your free time?

Spending time with my family. That’s a given. Our diary is jam-packed with family activities and we rarely have time for staying at home doing nothing. So I especially value the chance to do that when it crops up. I also love sport and I live in perpetual hope of getting back to being as active as I was a few years ago. As for other personal likes… I love listening to film music and learning new things about astrophysics.

If you weren’t a business developer, what would you be?

Someone who has contact with people, for sure. I’m not the type to be glued to screens and spreadsheets. I love meeting new people and exploring their stories, building relationships and, as the saying goes, doing as I would be done by!

16th December 2021
2 min. read

Kamila Braszak

Employer Branding Specialist

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