Innovative driving. Connected vehicle solutions by MakoLab

Vehicles that communicate with the world
The connected vehicle ecosystem is one of our main fields of expertise. We have created numerous innovative and complex technological solutions for the foremost automotive brands. With connectivity by MakoLab, their vehicles are capable of communicating with the world.
User experience design, Solution delivery
In-car and backend solution
Connected vehicle solutions


The client

A premium German OEM

The challenge

The project demanded a profound understanding of, and capability of adapting to, the prevailing trends in the automotive industry, in other words, Connected, Autonomous, Shared and Electric, generally known as CASE.

The goal

The project involved the delivery, deployment and maintenance of in-vehicle and back-end connected car solutions, along with other related devices, all featuring a UX designed on the basis of our detailed analysis of the end-user’s needs.

Key results
  • Direct collaboration with a German premium brand
  • Direct collaboration with one of the top five automotive OEMs
  • Direct collaboration with some of the world’s leading engineering companies
  • MakoLab is TISAX-certified and we also hold several other major certificates relevant to the automotive sector
The solution

The four trends dominating the discussion about the development of the automotive sector are Connected, Autonomous, Shared and Electric, or CASE. MakoLab specialises in the connected sphere, which underpins the existence of the entire complex CASE concept.
We create ecosystems for our clients’ brands, opening up a number of possibilities, including building their own exclusive product and services lines which are only available to their own customers.
For years now, we have been working with our clients’ research and development divisions, extending the systems supporting the user’s experience and communication between vehicle and user. Our connected vehicle solutions include:

  • recall;
  • customer care at the vehicle level;
  • support if critical events occur;
  • localisation;
  • exchanging data with the infrastructure;
  • aggregating and processing the millions of rows of information that arrive in our clients’ internal systems from vehicles.

When it comes to designing complex connected vehicle solution architecture from scratch, our experts bring years of know-how and experience to the table. We build teams of engineers who work with our clients as equal partners in developing solutions that take them to the next level and ahead of the market.