A CMS deployed for Renault and Dacia websites in 90 countries

A CMS platform for building Renault and Dacia websites in multiple countries, with shared templates and import of ready-to-use pages
MakoLab created the Renault Site International (RSI) CMS and the Dacia CMS, a tool which enables managers operating in various countries to set up a Renault or Dacia website in the local language, using templates prepared at the Renault HQ.
Solution delivery
Easy-to-use CMS platform
The CMS gives the managers operating in smaller countries the capability of building a site in their local language on the basis of templates prepared at the Renault HQ.


The client

Renault and Dacia. Renault is active in more than 130 countries and owns 40 factories, which are located around the world. More than 50% of the countries where it operates under its own brand and the Dacia brand are serviced by MakoLab software.

The challenge

The solution we created would be global in scale, which presented a major challenge. In order to serve linguistic, cultural and legal differences, it needed to be flexible, while simultaneously maintain the homogeneity of the brand image.

The goal

The client required an easy-to-use CMS for Renault importers on local markets. The system would have to provide cohesive and coherent branding on a global scale and make it possible to construct Dacia or Renault websites locally on the basis of ready-to-use components.

The solution

Our engineers created the RSI CMS and the Dacia CMS as tools supporting managers operating on local markets as they set up a Renault or Dacia website for their country. The CMS gives them the capability of building a site in the local language on the basis of templates prepared at the Renault HQ. 

The central database contains all the facts and figures about every model being sold. The requisite information is easily imported to a manager’s local website. The configuration means that an importer in Egypt, for instance, can collect marketing and sales materials from the central database in France and, with just a few clicks, post it on their website, which is tailored to Egyptian consumers.

A representative creates their website with ready-to-use templates held in the CMS, which also offers the option of launching special modules, such as find a dealer and vehicle visualisations that allow users to configure an image of the car they have chosen.

In addition, the platform provides the potential for easy and fast integration with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. If necessary, a forms module can be launched, affording the possibility of collecting leads.

To meet Renault’s requirements, we also developed a semantic search module, providing for better contextual searches, such as associating a phrase with a specific function of a given model. For example, if you enter the search term ‘safety’, this will not only produce results containing that word, but also a list of fittings designed for driver and passenger safety. Selected elements can also be promoted in search results.

Key results
  • 120 versions of importers’ websites in 80+ countries
  • A 15-year, ongoing development period, with the implementation of new technologies