Corporate Social Responsibility

At MakoLab, business decisions are made with an acute awareness of their impact on the world around us. Our multifaceted approach to CSR encompasses the local community, the environment and our staff’s well-being.

Our sustainability journey

MakoLab. Working for Łódź
Our city is dear to our hearts. We care about it, contribute whatever we can to its systematic development and are always happy to join prosocial initiatives launched by the local authorities and NGOs. One example is the ‘Green Łódź’ project, where companies in the Łódź fund the establishment of oases of greenery in the city’s squares.
When we were hunting for a new HQ a few years ago, we were determined to select a place that accorded with our values. The office facility at ulica Ogrodowa 8 was designed to incorporate state-of-the-art construction technologies in line with the principles of green building and sustainable development. This is attested to by the BREEAM certificate awarded to it. These certificates are only awarded to buildings where modernity and the highest levels of comfort go hand in hand with effective care for the natural environment. We have the use of electric vehicle charging stations and parking for 150 bicycles, along with changing rooms and showers. Our hot water is warmed by heat recovered from the server room and, as far as possible, the water we use is rainwater! Energy efficiency is another of the many environmentally friendly features. At MakoLab, segregating waste is second nature to us and we never print anything out without first considering if we really need to.
Transparency is inherent to all our operations and we are happy to be verified and prove that our commitment to CSR is never just for show! The annual CSR audits carried out by Ecovadis, one of the world’s most trusted business sustainability ratings providers, are just one example. We have been undergoing them ever since 2012 and, despite the ever-growing requirements and expectation, our score keeps on rising. The 2021 evaluation placed us among the top 11% of companies in the computer programming, consultancy and related activities category, while our 2022 result ranked us in the 85th percentile, making us leaders in that group.
We love taking action and we love to help. For years now, we have been involved in a nationwide Christmas effort, Noble Gift. We ran a ‘Give a computer a new lease of life’ campaign, collecting equipment for children whose lack of a computer meant they had difficulty accessing their lessons and schoolwork during the pandemic. We are involved in assisting Fundacja Dom w Łodzi, a charitable foundation running a children’s home. We have held an auction to raise money for the foundation and created Christmas cards which help to spread the idea of donating to it. We are also helping our friends in Ukraine, both on our own initiative and by joining larger campaigns. It may be just a drop in the ocean of need, but we believe we’re on the right track.

Your partner in ethical innovation

At MakoLab, we never stop striving for the highest possible standards of working culture, in line with global norms. We work with our clients to create state-of-the-art solutions, harnessing the power of technology to meet their goals, drive their businesses forward and set new standards in corporate citizenship.

ISO 14001

This certification confirms our systematic implementation of every element necessary to achieving a maximum reduction in our negative impact on the environment.


Ecovadis evaluates a company’s operations and practices in terms of corporate social responsibility. MakoLab began undergoing the audits in 2012 and we have ranked among the leading companies in our sector for several years now.


The NQC audit assesses the sustainable development of vendors in the automotive industry. As a supplier of solutions and services to the sector for over twenty years, we have undergone the evaluation several times and were recently delighted to achieve a high-scoring 70 points.

Our latest Ecovadis score

Our efforts to advance in terms of CSR are ongoing and intensive. We certainly believe that we, the MakoLabbers, can achieve an Ecovadis gold!

Martin Kanaan, Head of Marketing and Business Development

MakoLab. Committed to CSR

We are a software house which believes in bridging technology and social responsibility, ensuring that the impact we have on communities around the world is always sustainable. Our approach to projects is collaborative, our practices are ethical and our work aims to make bring meaningful differences to society.

See all our

CSR begins at home!

MakoLab S.A. runs an ongoing programme of activities directed towards protecting the natural environment and promoting a pro-ecological attitude amongst the staff. Climate-related concerns are a priority for the management board and are given full consideration both in our current operations and when planning new investments. This is reflected not only in our office buildings, which feature low emissions and energy-efficient solutions, but also in our internal regulations for workplace organisation, including company-wide solutions for segregating waste. At the same time, we work to build climate awareness amongst our staff, propagating and supporting pro-environmental initiatives. The company’s ecological priorities include reducing our carbon footprint and minimising the amount of waste we generate, while maximising our recycling levels.

Key MakoLab S.A. CSR documents are available below
MakoLab CSR Report 2022
MakoLab Code of Ethics
MakoLab Code of Conduct
MakoLab Code of Conduct for Partners
MakoLab Suppliers Relations Management Policy