MakoLab S.A. and the Warimpex Group have signed an appendix renewing the lease for office space in the state-of-the-art Ogrodowa Office building in Łódź. Modernisation work will shortly be starting on the MakoLab offices, which will also be adapted to suit the hybrid working model and, at the same time, provide the layout flexibility that the company requires for its varied forms of interaction with clients and partners.
During the process of negotiating the rental terms and conditions, MakoLab was represented by Łódź-based commercial real estate agent Renavis. The design for the company’s newly arranged head office is the work of Jander Kabza Architekci, a Łódź architectural practice.
The points that the MakoLab management board took into consideration during the decision-making process for renewing the lease included the company’s tried and tested relationship with Warimpex and the immensely attractive location. The MakoLab S.A, headquarters is situated on the third floor of the Ogrodowa Office building on ul. Ogrodowa.
The newly designed offices, which will extend over approximately two thousand square metres, will be adapted to the hybrid working model. With more open-plan spaces and flexible workstations, the idea is to encourage group work, meetings and integration. MakoLab is also planning to use its newly organised HQ for events held for its business partners.
Commercial estate agency Renavis represented MakoLab during the renewal negotiations. The plan for the new offices was the work of the Jander Kabza Architekci architecture practice, as is the design for the newly organised office space.
Founded in 1959, Warimpex is a real-estate development and investment company headquartered in Vienna and listed on the Viennese and Warsaw stock exchanges. In its operations as a developer, it runs its projects alone until the moment when the highest possible added value can be obtained through selling. As a family-run business, its long-term strategic planning and short-term decision-making form an optimal combination with the transparency and economic flexibility of a listed company. In addition, Warimpex draws on sixty-plus years of experience doing business in Central and Eastern Europe, where it has played, and continues to play, a pioneering role. One example of this is the development of the region’s first design hotel. Over the past forty years, the company has developed properties with a combined value of more than 1 billion euros. It currently operates in Poland, Hungary, Germany and Austria.
Translated from the Polish by Caryl Swift